Remind (Alerts)
** Updated - New Lunch System, PaySchools. ***
Payschools Detailed User Instructions
Link to the website
Parents and Guardians,
Kalida Schools has switched from MealsPlus/K12PaymentCenter to PaySchools for our lunch program.
The time has come when we need to upgrade our current food service software. We were using MealsPlus with the K12PaymentCenter for online access for parents. This is not going to be supported by their company in the near future so we have chosen a new system called PaySchools. There is no good time to switch to a new cafeteria system so we have decided to do this on May 1st of this school year. This is a pretty fast timeline to do this so there are a few key issues you need to know now:
- The go live date is Monday, May 1, 2023.
- The last day you can put money on your student’s account online was Wednesday, April 26, 2023. YOU WILL NEED TO DISABLE REOCCURING PAYMENTS in the K12PaymentCenter if you have that setup.
- You can put money on your account at any time with cash or check in the office.
- On Friday, April 28, 2023 after lunch, we moved all student balances from MealsPlus to Payschools.
- To view your student’s balance or put money in their account with the new system, you will need to make an account (no credit card required to create it). Here is a link to the Payschools Welcome Letter and Payschools Detailed User Instructions to set this account up. You will also need to know your students Lunch ID to add them to your account.
- The 2023-24 Free and Reduced Lunch applications will process through this system. When you update your FinalForms for the 23-24 school year a link will be available to complete the application. The new applications are not available until late summer. Your previously submitted 2022-23 applications are still active through the end of May.
- Please check the website for links and instruction guides on how to set up accounts and use the system.
If you have any questions with this process, please contact the High School office.
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